Finland Lions Summer AA Cup 2011 U14 (-98)
12-14 aug 2011
U14 (-98)

Rules for the Finland Lions Cup U14 AA tournament 12-14.8.2011
Laaksolahti (Espoo) and Tikkurila (Vantaa)

The Tournament will be played by the rules of the Finnish Ice Hockey Association with the following adjustments:

Match reports, player lists and over-aged players
Match reports are printed according to the player lists given by the teams. Any changes should be made in the tournament office 30 minutes before the first game. The team manager must sign in the tournament office own team's match reports latest 20 minutes before the games. The starting line up doesn't have to be named before the game.

Managers of each team can pick up a copy of the match reports from the office after the tournament.

3 over-aged players (born after 30th September 1997) are allowed to play in a team. These over-aged players should be marked with “Y” in the match reports and player lists.

A player can represent only one team during the tournament.
Goalies are able to switch teams during the tournament, e.g. in the case of an injury.

Playing time and timeout
The playing time is 2 x 17 minutes but max 55 minutes total in first round. 5th-6th, Bronze and Final games playing time is 2 x 20 minutes but max 70 minutes total.

Teams must be ready in their boxes 3 minutes before the game starts. If the team not be ready in due time they will lose the game 5-0.

One time out (30 seconds) per team is allowed per game.

Warm ups etc
2 minute warm up on the ice before the game. The game starts immediately with starting line ups. Before the start the captain of the team shakes hands with the referees and the opponent´s
captain and exchanges banners or streamers, etc. The teams do not have to name the starting line up.

After the game all players form a line on their own blue line, shake hands with the opponent and move away from the ice rapidly.

A normal small penalty is 2 minute effective playing time.

A ten-minute misconduct penalty is carried out normally in the penalty box. If a player gets two ten minute penalties during one game he is automatically banned from the next game.

If a player receive a match penalty he is automatically banned from the tournament.

Tournament system, rank order and points system
In the first round each team plays once against the other teams.

The winning team receives two points. Both teams get one point in the case of a draw and the losing team gets zero points.

In the first round if two or more teams has same amount of points the rank order is judged as follows:

1. Points between mutual game(s)
2. Goal difference between mutual game(s)
3. Goal differential in all games
4. Scored goals in all games
5. Flip of a coin

If a 5th-6th, Bronze and Final game ends at a draw, there will be penalty shoot out with 3 players from both teams.
These 3 players doesn't have to be named beforehand. All players can participate that have their name in the game report. The starting team is decided by throwing a coin. Teams take turns in shooting and keep shooting until the decisive goal is shot. The possible remaining shots are not made. If there be a draw after the 3 shots the shootout will continue in the reverse order of shots with the rule of the “golden goal”, meaning that the game is over when one team scores and the other one doesn´t in the same pair of shots.

All protests are handled by the tournament jury. The jury consists of the tournament director, other tournament officials, a referee of the game, and the manager of both teams. The decision of the jury is final. The fee for a protest is 100 euros, which will be returned if the protest be accepted.
The protest should be in writing, signed by the manager of the team and made no later than 20 minutes after the game has ended.

Team Jerseys
Home team plays with dark coloured jerseys and the team mentioned later in the schedule (visitor) uses lighter colour jerseys.

Tournament medals and trophies
The players of the best 3 teams receive personal medals and the winning team receives a trophy. Award ceremonies are held immediately after the final game on the ice.

Each team manager should notify the tournament office no later than during the intermission of the last game the one player in their own team they would like to give a special award. This award can be for sportsmanship, best player, best team player, etc, and is given after the last game of the team in question.

Right to amendments
Tournament office has the right to amend schedules if they so desire.

All players and team staff must have valid adequate insurance. The arranger of the tournament is not responsible for any injuries that may occur to the players or staff of any team.
