Finland Lions Summer Cup 2010 U13(-97)
13-15 August 2010

Tournament rules

1. Event
Espoon Blues E 97 Blue and Pelimatkat Oy arrange an international hockey tournament Lions Cup for boys born year 1997. The tournament is held at Reebok-areena in Leppävaara, Espoo, Finland on August 13.-15. 2010

2. Contact Information
a. Tournament director / Jukka Walliander Espoon Blues E 97 tel. 358 500 647 615 /
b. Pelimatkat Oy / Lauri Kemilä tel. +358 40 527 2488 /

3. Playing system
The tournament is played as a single round robin each team meeting once all the other teams and in the end final positions will be solved in position games between 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8.

4. Participants in the tournament are:

• Hyvinkään Ahmat
• Blues 97
• Canada Moose Edmonton (CAN)
• Tampereen Ilves
• Järfalla HC
• New Hampshire Jr. Monarchs (USA)
• Porin Ässät

5. Rules & playing time

The playing rules of the Finnish Ice Hockey Association / D1 juniors apply to this tournament.

The playing time of a game is 2 x 20 minutes or 60 minutes total. The pause between periods is two minutes long. Time outs are not allowed. The games start according to the enclosed schedule. A team that fails to appear on ice in time loses the game 5-0.

If two or several teams by the end of the round robin have same amount of points the order of teams will be decided based on:

1. the game(s) between those teams.
2. difference between goals for and goals against.
3. which team has scored more.
4. draw

6. Jury

The jury of the tournament consists of the tournament manager and team managers of each participating team.

7. Protest

The protest fee is 100 euros that will be refunded if the protest is found to be justified. A protest must be put down in writing and given to the tournament organizing committee not more than 15 minutes after the game in question. The jury’s decision on the matter will be available within two hours or if needed before the next game of any of the teams involved in the protest.

The three best teams of the tournament are awarded with a cup. All the players and four other representatives of these teams are given a medal, max 25 medals a team.

In the last game one player in all teams will be awarded with a Fighting Spirit Award. Selection will be done by each team themselves and name of the player will be given to organizers at least 15 minutes before the end of last game.

8. Rosters

Team rosters should be sent by email to the tournament director no later than 12th of August 2010

9. Changes

Tournament manager has the right to change the schedule of the tournament if forced to it by circumstances.

10. Other

All players in the tournament must have their own insurance. They are not covered
by any insurance of the tournament organizers.

Results can be seen online at

All team managers are welcome to visit tournament office in 2nd floor upon arrival.
