Riga Cup 2012 U-14 (-98)
20 - 22 apr 2012

11 teams confirmed

The following teams confirmed so far: Pacific Sea Devils (Canada), Soviet Wings (Russia), K-Sports Team (Slovakia), Pardaugava (Latvia), Furuset I.F. (Norway), JyKi Pumas, Diskos, JyKi Lions, Lukko Pertsat and Lukko Kilut (all Finland) and Mora/Orsa I.K. (Sweden). Furthermore the following teams applied, but they have not confirmed yet: Jelgavas LSS and H.K. Venta (both Latvia), EPS White, Karhu-Kissat Bears and Karhu Kissat Cats (all Finland), Bratislava Select (Slovakia), Linkopings H.C. White and Linkopings H.C. Blue (both Sweden).
