ShopUSA Cup 2015
29. oktober - 1. november 2015
U12 (-04) + U13 (-03)

Kampene afvikles iht. Dansk Ishockey Unions regler for U13, dvs. med minimum 3 kæder.

Supplerende regler:

• Vær klar til kamp 5 min. før kampstart. Hold som er skyld i forsinket kampstart tildeles holdet en holdstraf!

• Der spilles 2 x 15 min.

• Der spilles max. 50 min. Bokspersonale bestemmer om det er nødvendigt at spille med løbende tid

• Uafgjort giver 1 point, en vunden kamp giver 3 point

• Ved pointlighed: Indbyrdes opgør, derefter målforskel, derefter flest scorede mål

All matches are played accordingly to the rules by the Danish Ice Hockey Association. Each team has to play with at least 3 lines.

Game rules

• Team has to be ready 5 min. before matchtime. If the team causes delay the team will be appointed a team penalty!
• Playing time: 2 x 15 min.
• Max. 5o min. per match. The officials decides if the time has to run in the end of the game
• A draw gives 1 point, winning 3 points
• Table sorting: Points, mutial game, scores difference and then most goals

Cup kontaktpersoner/Contact persons
Nikolaj Nørr +45 28 27 10 29 & Peter Thomsen +45 22 20 83 14
